Major General Emad Trabelsi, the Minister of Interior of the GNU, affirmed that Libya faces a significant challenge in the migration file, as the number of foreigners in the country is estimated at about three million people, a figure that necessitates decisive measures.
Trabelsi announced the imminent start of migrant deportation operations, stressing the need for concerted efforts from all state institutions, including the government, the House of Representatives, and the army, to ensure the success of these operations. In a parallel move, the minister emphasized regulating the status of expatriate workers by granting legal residency permits to up to 400,000 workers, aiming to balance labor market needs with security and economic concerns.
Trabelsi also stressed the Libyan people’s rejection of the idea of settling migrants in Libya, affirming his personal and ministerial commitment to combating this phenomenon with full force. He called on the international community to support Libya in this file and to find effective solutions, warning of the potential negative repercussions on the Libyan street.